The Escape House

This weekend was full of excitement and mystery. I got my Sherlock skills in gear and escaped a tiny office by finding clues and putting the puzzle together. With only an hour to escape we made it out with 3 minutes and 46 seconds to spare!

What is the Escape House? Imagine being locked in an unfamiliar room with a few friends with no way out. The only way to escape is to gather all of the clues and punch in the pass code before time runs out. It is a thrilling and blood pumping game that makes you think and react as fast as you possibly can.

Where is the Escape House? It is located at 1320 North State Street Orem, Utah.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone and everyone. It is a fun for a date night or even just to go out with your friends. You can even make it a competition of which group can get out the fastest. We had a blast taring the room apart to find all of the clues and figuring out how to escape.

Hope you are all having a fabulous Monday!

For more information you can visit

If you don't live in Utah don't worry! I found other "Escape" places for you to check out:

Salt Lake City, Utah -
Atlanta, Georgia -
Boston, Massachusetts -
Chicago, Illinois -
Cincinnati, Ohio -
Dallas, Texas -
Denver, Colorado -
Detroit, Michigan -
Heraklion, Greece -
Houston, Texas -
Las Vegas, Nevada -
London, England -
Los Angeles , California - ,
Madrid, Spain -
Miami, Florida -
Minneapolis, Minnesota -
New York, New York -
Orlando, Florida -
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania -
Phoenix, Arizona -
Royal Oak, Michigan -
San Francisco, California -
Seattle, Washington -
Tampa, Florida -
Toronto, Ontario -
Washington D.C. - ,

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