Free Fun Things To Do This Summer

Summer is now in full swing! The sun is out, the pools are open, and everyone is working on their tans. But one problem I've noticed that I've hit this summer is finding fun things to do that are free. As a college student almost all the money I earn this summer will have to go to tuition, housing, books and more. After this realization I decided I needed to find some things to do this summer without burning a hole through my already holy jeans! I'm sure I'm not the only one in this predicament and decided to share my ideas with you! 

My first idea originates from my love of photography and cool walls. Grab a friend and your phone or a camera and go find some cool colored walls around your town to take pictures with. My friend Ashley and I found at least 8 cool walls to take pictures with and had a blast shooting each other as we made these great discoveries.

One of my most favorite things in the world to do is go hiking. I love the smell of of the mountains and being surrounded by nature. Utah has some of the prettiest mountains ever and I feel so blessed to be so close to so many hiking trails. Hiking helps me clear my mind, leads me on fun adventures with friends and family, and shows me the beauty of this incredible world. So if you're bored and need to get out of the house this summer, put on some tennis shoes and start climbing!

Summer would never be complete without a fire pit and some s'mores! Camp fires are really easy and fun and always lead to good times. Grab your friends, some fire wood, and don't forget the brilliant instructions: "First, you take the mallow".... 

One thing I love to do when I'm bored is try new recipes. Pinterest is full of fun and delicious ideas of cool summer treats you can make with friends and family...or even by yourself! And lets be honest, we all love good food!

During the summer there are a ton of concerts going on. But what some people don't know is that there are a lot of FREE concerts going on. Sure, they aren't the concerts of famous artists and they probably aren't singing the songs you hear on the radio...but they are really fun! If you look up your city you can usually find them at parks in your area. I go all the time with my family. We take blankets and a picnic and always have a grand old time!

What are some things you like to do in the summer?
Leave a comment below!
