Life Lately

The Summer months are in full swing and life has been crazy! I've been working, hanging out with friends, babysitting my sister's kids, going to wedding after wedding, and so much more. Here are just a few pictures of what has been happening in my life lately... 

I have a new obsession with getting sodas at places like Fiz and Sodalicious! The flavors they put into my favorite Dr. Pepper are sooooooo good! But the best part is the cream!! Soda has been forever changed in my world!

With it being June....EVERYONE is getting married! I've been attending a lot of beautiful weddings and seeing many happy couples. I always love looking at the cakes so here are a few that I absolutely loved!

I hope you all are having a fabulous summer! What fun things have you done? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!

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