32 And Counting

Because I am one who loves both journalism and fashion, it is probably no surprise to hear that I absolutely love reading magazines! But I have a problem with not getting rid of them once I have finished reading them. So I thought it would be really fun to see exactly how many magazines I had. To my surprise, I have 32 magazines sitting by the side of my bed! 

The oldest one I have is from 2011 but it isn't the first magazine that I've ever gotten. When I was younger I used to get those teen celebrity magazines with all the Disney Channel stars. I honestly believe that if I had kept all of those I would have 20 more magazines sitting in my room. But now that I'm older I love all the bigger magazines. My favorites are VOGUE, ELLE and GLAMOUR. But they are not the only ones that I enjoy. I guess the number will continue to go up as I keep on reading and enjoying magazines.

I thought it was super fun going through all of my magazines for this little post. Do you guys have magazines that you have kept? I'd love to hear what your favorite magazines are or if you enjoy collecting them like me!

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